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Story Time


Stirling Pre-School aims to help foster the whole child in a fun and exciting way, not just from the traditional academic point of view. 


We look at everything that has an impact on your child’s development. Our curriculum covers all areas of development, from social and emotional development, gross and fine motor development (big and small muscles), language skills, including articulation and how a child expresses themselves, and how they receive and process information. We also try to build your child’s confidence with Show and Tell, sharing news, encouraging responsibility and having your child perform songs in front of others in weekly assemblies, as well as in a concert. 


We concentrate on healthful eating, the importance of correct nutrition and water consumption. As food affects so many aspects of the child, from runny noses to concentration, we serve snacks of fruit and raw vegetables with protein dips, health muffins, and vegetable soups made from scratch. Our curriculum is carefully designed and discussed weekly by the teachers so that each learning area is covered. The teachers are well prepared and have clear learning objectives they would like to achieve each day, giving your child a day full of exciting opportunities for learning and growth. 


We have tried to create a stress-free environment with a “no shouting by the teachers” policy in place. Discipline is firm but gentle, and the teachers focus heavily on positive behaviour reinforcement. In partnership with the parents, Stirling Pre-School “graduates” should be happy, healthy, confident and well-rounded.

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